Linthwaite Ardron CE (VA) Junior and Infant School

Our vision: Through Christian values we support, help, inspire, nurture and encourage all individuals to SHINE and flourish

Church Ln, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5TA

01484 845544

Welcome to Year 3

Our class teacher is Mrs Raimes and our teaching assistants are Miss Lalor and Miss Evans.  

We are all looking forward to learning about lots of new things this year. Please read our class newsletter and look at our long term plan to find more detail about what we will be covering as part of our cross-curricular approach. 

As always, if you have any questions or queries, then please feel free to contact me as I'm always happy to help.

World Book Day - 7.3.24

On Thursday 7th March, we had a fantastic time celebrating World Book Day! World Book Day provides a fantastic opportunity to focus on reading for pleasure, supporting children's autonomy in book choice and embedding a habit of reading that brings a wide range of benefits.

Everyone looked amazing in their outfits, having been inspired by their favourite book characters. Throughout the day, we participated in lots of activities to celebrate and encourage the children's love of reading. To begin the day, we spent some time reading our class text for this half term 'Krindlekrax' by Philip Ridley which the whole class is really enjoying! They were then given the task of designing a book cover for their favourite story as part of a competition being run by the School Council. We were left feeling so inspired that we even had a go at writing our very own class story on Purple Mash! 

Here are some photos from the day. See if you can guess which character they've each come dressed as.

Bagshaw Museum - 1.3.24

On Friday 1st March, our class went to Bagshaw Museum as part of our 'Ancient Egypt' history topic. We all had an amazing day and enjoyed learning lots of fantastic facts and interesting information about the Ancient Egyptians.

During the morning, the children worked in small groups to investigate pieces of archaeological evidence that relate to the Ancient Egyptian period. The objects were linked to the everyday life and the technology of the Ancient Egyptians. Each team did a simple tabletop excavation looking at different households within a village setting and reported their findings to the rest of the class. They also had the opportunity to handle original Ancient Egyptian artefacts including a makeup pot, a canopic jar lid and shabtis.

All of the children thoroughly enjoyed investigating the Kingdom of Osiris gallery and had lots of fun looking at all of the Ancient Egyptian artefacts on display. As they walked round, they were given the task of completing the Kingdom of Osiris gallery, workbook, which focused on items in the gallery, and encouraged enquiry based learning.

They also had the lots of fun producing their own papyrus cartouche bookmark by spelling out their name in hieroglyphs as well as dressing up like an Egyptian and having their photos taken in the selfie booth.

In the afternoon, the children had lots of fun learning all about mummification! They acted out each stage of this process using a dummy and even had the chance to wrap up one of their classmates using bandages.

Here are some photos from the day.

DT - Diya Lamps

In DT this term, the children made their own Diya lamps out of clay. They were inspired to make these after learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali and the Sikh festival of Bandhi Chhor Divas in RE as part of the unit 'What are the deeper meanings of festivals?' Here are some photos of their finished products.

Stone Age Woolly Mammoth Trousers Persuasive Adverts

After reading 'Ug: Boy Genius of the Stone Age and His Search for Soft Trousers' by Raymond Briggs, the children were inspired to write their own adverts for woolly mammoth trousers. They included lots of persuasive techniques, such as persuasive language, rhetorical questions and hyperbole. Here are our completed adverts.

Stone Age Cave Art

The children created their own artwork inspired by Stone Age cave paintings. Here are some photos of their amazing artwork.


In gymnastics, the children have been developing their balancing, rolling and jumping skills, using these skills individually and in combination. They have developed their sequence work, collaborating with others to use matching and contrasting actions and shapes and develop linking sequences smoothly with actions that flow. They have also developed their confidence to perform, considering the quality and control of their actions.

Christmas Card Designs

The children have been busy creating their own Christmas cards! Here are some photos of their fantastic designs.

'Maths is Fun' Week

13.11.23 - 17.11.23

The whole school took part in the 'Maths is Fun' Week to promote of learning in maths. Our class took part in lots of interesting and engaging maths activities, including: the Mathematics World Cup which combines mathematics, physical activity and mindfulness in a fun competition; Numberfit's Times Table Challenges to practise the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables and lots of problem solving and reasoning activities based on the theme '3 is a Magic Number!' Here are some photos from the week.

Road Safety Training - 9.11.23

On Thursday 9th November, the Kirklees Road Safety Team came into school to deliver road safety training for our class as part of Road Safety Week. The aim of this training was to reduce child pedestrian casualties and to improve their skills, knowledge, behaviour and hazard awareness. They learnt lots during the day and now know how to keep themselves safe. Here are some photos from the day.

Plant Art

Here are the children's completed pieces of artwork inspired by the artist, Georgia O'Keeffe.

Pilgrimage - 28.9.23

On Thursday 28th September, we went on our annual pilgrimage around the local area. This year's theme was 'Showing God that we are thankful for what he gave us by taking care of the world that he provided for us'. We had a wonderful time looking at our beautiful surroundings and reflecting on our thoughts about God and his creation. Here are some photos from this year's pilgrimage.

Geography - The UK

This half term, we have been learning all about the UK in geography. The children have been taking a look at the geography of the UK - from the physical features of mountains, rivers and seas to the man-made administrative regions and counties. Here are photos of them using atlases to locate areas of high ground in the UK.

Ian's Mobile Farm - 22.9.23

On Friday 22nd September, we had a fantastic time visiting Ian's Mobile Farm. Ian brought lots of animals for us to see which the children loved learning all about. He brought a tortoise, guinea pigs, rabbits, ducks, a rooster, goats, sheep, alpacas and his sheepdog, Meg. Here are some photos from our visit.

Art - Plant Art

This half term, the children have been inspired by the artwork of Georgia O'Keeffe, who was well known for using water colours and colour mixing to paint the flowers she had so loved when she was younger. The children have been developing their technique in using brushes to experiment with light and dark shades of a colour. Here are some photos of them putting their skills into practise to paint different types of flowers.

Computing - Coding

This half term, we have been learning all about coding. The children have been learning how to use flowcharts in computer programming, how to use different
types of timers for different purposes and how to use the repeat command. They have then used what they have learned in order to design and create their own interactive scene. Here are some photos of them using 2Code on Purple Mash.

Mouse Bird Snake Wolf - Nature Sculptures

We had lots of fun making animal sculptures during our recent Outdoor Learning Day. We were inspired to create our own magnificent creations after reading our class text 'Mouse Bird Snake Wolf' by David Almond in which the children in the story try to fill in the empty gaps and spaces left by the Gods. Here are our creations.

Outdoor Learning Day - 15.9.23

On Friday 15th September, our class had their first Outdoor Learning Day of the year. We had lots of fun learning and working outside!

First, we did lots of activities linked to our RE unit for this half term, 'What do Christians learn from the creation story?' The children explored our school grounds, collecting as many 'wow factors' in nature they could find to stick on their own nature paint palette. In pairs, they were then asked to take a photo of something that has the ‘wow factor’ from both the natural and the human-made world. In the afternoon, we then set up our own obstacle course in the vicarage garden. The children were given the challenge of making their way through this whilst blindfolded, with someone else guiding them through it. This helped them to think about how Christians let their Creator be their guide through life; they do best when they listen to God. 

Next, we did some work on place-value, linked to the work we have been doing in maths this half term. The children were given the challenge of finding natural items in the playground to represent hundreds, tens and ones, in order to make their own 3-digit numbers. They did an excellent job with this, using things such as leaves, twigs and stones to represent their numbers.

In English this half term, we have been reading the book 'Mouse Bird Snake Wolf' by David Almond. This inspired the children to create their own creatures, as the children do in the story, using a variety of natural materials found in the Wildlife Area. They had great fun doing this and did an amazing job with this activity.

As well this, we did some orienteering. The children started learning how to set/orientate a simple map and keep it set whilst on the move. Although they found this quite tricky at first, they had great fun navigating the cones.

Here are some photos from our Outdoor Learning Day.