Linthwaite Ardron CE (VA) Junior and Infant School

Our vision: Through Christian values we support, help, inspire, nurture and encourage all individuals to SHINE and flourish

Church Ln, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5TA

01484 845544

Welcome to Year 6

         Welcome to Year 6! Our class teacher is Mr Taylor and our teaching assistant is Mrs Kinder. Mrs Taylor, school's English lead, teaches English Mondays through to Thursdays. 

    The children settled in well to Year 6 and have taken on lots of extra responsibilities now that they are the oldest pupils in school. 

     Now that we are in Year 6, you will notice that we wear a Linthwaite Ardron hoodie, a fabulous gift from our PTFA.



Long Term Plan SATs Information and Help Autumn Term Letter Letters Home Learning


Useful links:

Purple Mash Power Maths Times Table Rock Stars Oddizzi Website Review Charanga - Primary music curriculum, Secondary & Instrumental music EdShed Web Game - Spelling Shed and MathShed



Take a look at some of the activities we have been doing in our lessons:


We looked at what it means to conserve resources and how unlimited use of resources could cause environmental and economic difficulties.

 The children carried out a very tasty test to demonstrate this.

Royal Armouries Visit

We were joined by year 5 on our class trip to the Royal Armouries in Leeds. This linked to our WW2 topic although we saw many other inetersting things related to different parts of the curriculum. There were lots of different displays and objects that we could engage with and we also took part in two workshops- Blitz Survival training and Home guard training. We had a fantastic day. 



Children were converting and comparing units of measure and so went out in the playground to see what they could find. They measured it, converted the measurements then compared them to other people's.




Design Technology

Children have been developing their DT skills with Mrs Travis. They are doing a fantastic job of making moving trains that have motors and pulleys. They have been fortunate to have an engineer visit class to help out.

Veteran's visit. 

To continue our topic about WW2 we had a visit from the veteran's society. We heard some fascinating stories about life in the armed forces and we had the opportunity to have hands-on sessions with objects from the time. Everyone had a fantastic time.

WW2 Themed Day 

The day started with an address from the former Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, declaring war with Germany. We then witnessed, through primary sources of evidence, what happened during The Blitz and the impact it had. Children practised first aid and applying bandages which they then had to apply to other people after our own mini air raid. They completed a maths quiz linked to rationing, created propaganda posters and model spitfires, listened to part of Friend or Foe, which is their class book, and baked some delicious war time biscuits. At the end of a busy day, children were able to taste their biscuits. 

Remembrance Assembly

Year 6 had their Remembrance assembly and their WW2 theme day on the same day which meant they were dressed for the occasion. They showed some of the learning they had done so far including, poetry, art, drama and history. They did a fantastic job and many parents were there to watch. The children had a great day.


Year 6 investigated how different voltages can affect a component in a circuit. We had to create circuits with differing amounts of cells and record what happened to the bulbs. We also used data loggers to record more precise measurements.

Science- Light

We looked at how light travels and what happens to it when it is reflected. We created models to demonstrate this. We also looked at the angles of incidence and the angles of reflection. We carried out a test to show that these angles are the same.


Year Six’s class reader last half term was the Phillip Pullman book ’Clockwork’, which contains suspense, history, drama and excitement and which  kept them all on the edge of their seats to see how the story enfolded.

They wrote extracts of their own based on a dramatic section of the book, using a wide range of figurative language including alliteration, personification, metaphor, hyperbole and onomatopoeia. Have a look at some examples below,  and watch our pupils read their independent writing out aloud.