Linthwaite Ardron CE (VA) Junior and Infant School

Our vision: Through Christian values we support, help, inspire, nurture and encourage all individuals to SHINE and flourish

Church Ln, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5TA

01484 845544





KS2 Swimming Data



% met or better 

School (LA) (National)

% exceeded

School (LA) (National)

EYFS Achieving GLD 70 (Local Authority 65) N/A
Y1 Phonics 42 (Local Authority 80) N/A

Y4 Multiplication Test

81% scored 25/25, Mean score = 24.3, Median score = 25, Modal score = 25
KS2 Results Reading 84 (Local Authority 72) (National 74) 32 (Local Authority 26) (National TBC)
Writing 80 ( Local Authority 70) (National 72) 28 (Local Authority 9) (National TBC)
Maths 80 ( Local Authority 72) (National 73) 16 (Local Authority 23) (National TBC)
Combined 76 (Local Authority 58) (National 61) (Local Authority 6) (National TBC)
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 72 (Local Authority 71) (National 72) 28 (Local Authority 29) (National TBC)
Science (LA) (National 81)



% met or better 

School (LA) (National)

% exceeded

School (LA) (National)

EYFS Achieving GLD 54
Y1 Phonics 81

Y4 Multiplication Test

31% scored 25/25, Mean score = 20.9, Median score = 22, Modal score = 25
KS1 Results Reading 79 24
Writing 71 7
Maths 76 24
KS2 Results Reading 96 (LA) (73) 50
Writing 83 (LA) (71) 33
Maths 88 (LA) (73) 25
Combined 71 (58) (59) 8 (6) (6)
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 92 (LA) (72) 28
Science (LA) (80)

2022/2023 DFE pupil performance data

2022/2023 Swimming data


2021/2022 KS2 Reading, writing, maths performance data

2021/2022 DFE pupil performance data

2021/2022 Swimming data

% met or better 

School (LA) (National)

% exceeded

School (LA) (National)

EYFS achieving GLD 82
Y1 Phonics 76 -
Y4 Multiplication test

54% scored 25/25, Mean 23.6, Mode 25, Median 25

End of KS1

Reading 73 14
Writing 65 11
Maths 76


Combined 64 4
End of KS2

Reading 76 41
Writing 76 34
Maths 65 24
Combined 65 17
SPAG 72 31
Science 76 34