Linthwaite Ardron CE (VA) Junior and Infant School

Our vision: Through our chosen values we support, help, inspire, nurture and encourage all individuals to SHINE and flourish

Church Ln, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5TA

01484 845544



Our school vision helps us to shape the personal development of children as individuals, by giving every child as many experiences as possible: to develop a curiosity about all aspects of God's world, develop a lifelong love of learning  and have the desire to support and encourage each other in all that they do. 

 If you have any suggestions or views, please share them at We would love to hear from you.


Please click on the links below for further information and documentation


Personal Development Plan 2023 2024

Personal Development Plan 2022 2023





Cliffe House 2024

Our Year 4 and 5 classes had an incredible time on our Cliffe House Residential trip this year. Activities included caving, rock climbing, crate staking, a river walk, fire lighting, cooking, nature art and much, much more.

STEM Project 2024

School is currently working with a professional engineer on projects to design and make a moving train (Y6) and Roman catapult (Y4)

Author Visit Jenny York

February 2024

Children's author Jenny York spent half a day performing her stories with the help of puppets, cheeky characters and lots of audience participation

Whole School Theatre Visit

December 2023

Thanks to the hard fund-raising of our amazing PTFA, the whole school visited the Lawrence Batley Theatre to see the Pantomine  

Army Veterans Visit

November 2023

Year Six welcomed Huddersfield and District Army Veterans into school as part of their World War topic. They brought items with them including rations and toys from WW2

Ian's Mobile Farm

September 2023

The whole school enjoyed visiting Ian's Mobile Farm which was brought to school. Ian brought a tortoise, guinea pigs, rabbits, ducks, a rooster, goats, sheep, alpacas and his sheepdog, Meg.

History Visit to Bradford Industrial Museum

January 2023

Y5 and Y6 had a history-focussed trip to the Industrial Museum in Bradford, where their 'Industrial Revolution' and 'Monarchs Since 1066' history topics were enhanced by seeing exhibits and demonstrations of machinery and the history of industry in Bradford.

Science Visit to National Science and Media Museum

January 2023

Y6 and Y5 visited the Science and Media Museum in Bradford, visiting galleries based on Animation, the hands-on 'Wonderlab' exhibit and participating in a space and rockets workshop.

Y5 Road Safety 

November 2022

Y5 took part in a road traffic survey this afternoon as part of our WOW Road Safety Week. The children were tallying vehicles types and speeds and using equipment provided by Kirklees. We had a great time and were very interested to see the variety of speeds and vehicles.

TT Rockstars Competition

Tuesday 18th November 2022

Three children from Year 4 took part in the Colne Valley Pyramid TT Rockstars Competition and came third overall. Well done boys - what a fantastic achievement!

Year 4's Interview with Reverend Tim - October 2022

In RE, we have been considering the question 'What is the Trinity?' As part of our learning, we invited Reverend Tim to come into school so that we could ask him questions about Incarnation and the Holy Spirit. The children asked him lots of interesting questions and learned a lot from Reverend Tim's answers.

Harvest Festival - October 2022

Pupils were encouraged to empathise and reflect on the needs of local people. Ethos and Worship Team decided upon who would be the recipients of school's collection of dried/tinned food and all pupils in school celebrated in church with s service packed to the brim with contributions from our talented the pupils.  

Creature Ark Workshop - June 2022

We welcomed 'Creature Ark' to our school to lead a workshop and teach us all about their fascinating animals! We got to look at and hold many different animals, including a snake, hedgehog, guinea pig, giant African land snail, millipede and a tarantula! We found out lots of interesting facts about them and learned about the habitats they lived in.

Online Safety Workshop

Jade from Kirklees PREVENT came in to talk to us about online safety. The children had lots of ideas and shared lots of stories and thoughts about their own experiences online. Jade gave us loads of tips for how to stay safe online.

Wellbeing Days

These special days take place every term, for both pupils and staff. Activities have a different focus each time, usually on feeling good about ourselves, relaxation, having fun and sharing with others. See Y3's 'Diversity' activities below.

Year 5 and 6 visit to York, March 2022 

History was the focus on their day, as Years Five and Six visited The National Railway Museum and Jorvik Viking Centre as part of their studies of the Vikings and Industrial Revolution.

After School Clubs

We have a great many after-school extra-curricular clubs that run daily throughout the year. These clubs change regularly and cover all interests and are usually chosen by the pupils themselves. Some of this year's clubs include: Scoot-fit, drama, phonics, Lego, coding, choir, rugby, football, dance, maths mates, embroidery and art. See below for some images from a recent art club.

Museum Visit and Tudor Day at 

Oakwell Hall - March 2024

As part of their history topic, Monarchs Since 1066, Year Five spent a day as Tudor undertaking activities at Oakwell Hall Museum.

World Book Day 2024


Year 3 Outdoor Learning Day

Autumn Term 2023

Sports Day Family Fun - July 2023

Parents and carers were invited to cheer on our runners, jumpers and throwers (as well as balancers, hop skip jumpers and sack bouncers!) at our annual fun Sports Day.

'Ardron's Got Talent' Show

From 137 original auditions, 14 fabulous acts have made it to the grand final of our school talent show, to be held on March 10th 2023, in front of family and friends. 

Police Visit - September 2023

Local community police officers PC Steve and PC Laurie paid a visit to school, to introduce themselves and explain a little about their role in our Linthwaite community. They proved a big hit, with everyone keen to ask questions or just say hello and tell them all about how we work together with the police to keep safe in our community.

Visit to Historical Rex Cinema

December 2022

 The whole school went to the historical cinema, the 'Rex', for a special private screening of the Minions film, chosen by members of the school council.  

Maths Week England

November 2022

The whole school took part in lots of fun activities for Maths Week England. Here are some photos of what each class got up to.

Scoot Fit Workshops - Summer 2022

Since school received its new scooter pod and bike rack, exercise, fitness, fun and lots of 'scootering' now goes on in school at our Scoot-fit after-school club and with many pupils riding to school. See below the Y3 workshop that started it all!

Whole School Science Activity Day

Each teacher ran an exciting scientific intervention and the pupils enjoyed a carousel of scientific activities as they moved through school. The Year One activity is shown below.

Scarecrow Trail

Each class made a film-themed scarecrow to 'hide' around Linthwaite and discover, as a fun holiday activity for our families. Can you guess which film Y5 chose?

MP Jason McCartney

Local MP Jason McCartney visited school, after pupils wrote to invite him to plant a tree as part of Queen's Green Canopy initiative to celebrate the Jubilee. Our school council quizzed him on issues and he helped plant one of fifteen trees school donated by the charity The Woodland Trust

Golden Time

Golden time takes place weekly as a reward for our 'Pupil of the Week' and Dojo 3 winners from each class. They get a choice of board games, Lego, art and craft activities or laptops and is a great way to celebrate making good choices, having a positive attitude to learning and generally being superstars.  

Red Nose Day, March 2022

In aid of the Ukraine crisis, school had a day of creative and contemplative activities to raise money to support aid relief. Each class planned and created a game that ran in the hall in the afternoon, with each class getting a slot to go and try out the different stalls and challenges. Have a look at some of the fabulous games they could try out.

 STEM Engineering club Spring 2022

Pupils built a lighthouse

Visitors to school regularly enhance learning experiences for pupils

Craft Club

Bagshaw Museum Egyptian Workshop

March 2024

Workshops in mummification and the chance to see real mummies and ancient Egyptian artefacts were part of Year Three's visit to Bagshaw Museum

Photos to follow shortly


Pennine Dance Festival

February 2024

Our dancers took to the stage of the Lawrence Batley Theatre to perform in front of a packed house.

The Magic Flute Opera Performance

January 2024

Singing Mozart's opera' The Magic Flute' live on stage with Opera North and then being interviewed for television were just small parts of Years Four and Five's musical day at Huddersfield Town Hall.


Whole School Pilgrimage

September 2023

This year's theme was 'Showing God that we are thankful for what he gave us by taking care of the world that he provided for us'. 

End of Year Celebration Assembly

July 2023

Kirklees Music Event - Summer Term 2023

Y2 Visit Eden Forest 

Enjoying being outdoors was the theme for the recent visit to Eden Forest. The children returned to school buzzing with excitement about their day

Actors Bring Books to Life

Professional actors behaved like utter Twits and  brought a well-known story to life with scenes from Roald Dahl's 'The Twits' followed by fun book-related activities in advance of World Book Day 

Road Safety Week

November 2022

The whole school participated in Road Safety Week, thinking about how they can keep themselves safe on the roads. Here are some photos of what each class got up to.

Year 4 Nature Smart Education Day - September 2022

We had lots of fun doing lots of different activities during our first Nature Smart Education Day of the year! We explored the symbolism of water, did work on place using natural materials, created our own obstacle courses and completed a Roman numerals code cracker!

Parents and Carers Wellbeing Fair - May 2022

To support our parents, carers and adults in school, Linthwaite Ardron held a well-being fair, with agencies from across the area manning stalls and offering a wide range of support, advice and courses. It was a huge success and we hope that this will become a regular event.

'The Masked Reader'

As part of Linthwaite Ardron's World Book Day celebrations, the children all had great fun playing 'The Masked Reader' game: trying to guess which mystery member of staff was hidden behind the disguise and from which famous children's book they were reading. Can you guess who is reading in the clip below and which book it might be?

Huddersfield Town Hall

World Book Day Quiz, March 2022

Year Six entered two teams and competed at Huddersfield Town Hall in the quiz, where they faced questions based on a list of 20 set books they have been reading last term.


Harvest delivery Oct 2021

A large donation was delivered to Linthwaite's local food bank

Explorers Club where children listen to stories, tell stories and find out about God's wonderful world. 

Outdoor learning Y6