Linthwaite Ardron CE (VA) Junior and Infant School

Our vision: Through our chosen values we support, help, inspire, nurture and encourage all individuals to SHINE and flourish

Church Ln, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5TA

01484 845544

Collective Worship

At Linthwaite Ardron, we take many approaches to the format of our Collective Worship and we include the children in the planning and delivery of Collective Worship as much as possible. Our Collective Worship can take many forms, such as class led worship, whole class topic assemblies and Collective Worship where achievements are celebrated. 

Our Collective Worship is usually at the time of 2.50pm, which gives the children an opportunity to reflect on the days events before leaving school. When parents are invited to one of our celebratory collective worship events, then the worship will be at the time of 9am as it is felt this is a time that is convenient for parents to attend and so a large congregation would be encouraged. 

Please click here to access the page where our Collective Worship Policy can be found.

Please click here to access this week's Picture News collective worship resources.

Please click on the Link below to see our very first remote Celebration Assembly