Linthwaite Ardron CE (VA) Junior and Infant School

Our vision: Through our chosen values we support, help, inspire, nurture and encourage all individuals to SHINE and flourish

Church Ln, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5TA

01484 845544


Linthwaite Ardron prioritises the mental health and wellbeing of pupils, staff, parents and carers above all else. We know that life's challenges can impact significantly on everyone's mental health,  wellbeing and capacity for learning. Our vision to  Support, Help, Inspire, Nurture and Encourage each other is lived out every day through support for parents, Socially Speaking and Zones of Regulation intervention groups for pupils, areas for thoughtful prayer located in every classroom, a wellbeing room available for pupil use, pupil voice in all areas of school, PSHE curriculum delivered through the Jigsaw program, engagement with whole families where support is needed and staff training.

In this school we also provide a half day of wellbeing time for all pupils and staff. Activities are varied but there is always a focus on having fun, doing something different.

Diane Morris - school's Pastoral and Wellbeing Lead

Jasmine Francois - support for parents from Kirklees,  Mental Health Support Team

Louise Scott-Thompson - support for pupils from Kirklees, Mental Health Support Team

Claire Horne - governor responsible for wellbeing

 Diane,  Jasmine, Louise and Claire  are always happy to listen and help with any worries you may have and can be contacted through the school office.

If you feel there is another avenue of support we can provide, we would be pleased to hear from you as school are always looking to improve the service we provides.


Being healthy, happy, confident and feeling safe are important in school and life. If you're feeling out of sorts, try some of the activities below to get your wellbeing back on track. 

Northorpe Hall support centre - free courses, advice and support are available here

Sport and physical activity - being active can often improve your mental health

Online Safety

Mindfulness - try a calming activity

Childline - people available to discuss your worries

On Your Mind  - to help you discuss difficult subjects

Have fun with Shaun The Sheep online game maker - as having fun improves mental health

Explore space with Nasa

Click here to see some photos from our recent Wellbeing day


Healthy and happy staff are at the heart of our school. Our team support each other in lots of ways. Below are recent comments made by staff about how we work together to ensure that wellbeing has a high priority. In turn, this ensures that staff are able to support our pupils effectively:

"We work together to overcome hurdles."

"Our school is positivity in action!"

"Meetings finish on time to improve work/life balance."

"All staff work together to improve outcomes for pupils."

"This is an exciting place to work." 

Thank you to all our parents for the many positive comments and cards that have been sent to school. Although there are many avenues of support for staff, this definitely helps their wellbeing the most. See recent photographs of our recent wellbeing pizza lunch!

Wellbeing Fair - May 4th 2022

We were delighted to hold our first-ever Wellbeing Fair for parents, carers and families;  Visitors to the fair enjoyed complementary refreshments served by our Year Five café staff and spoke to our stall-holders about issues personal to them.

At the fair, representatives from local agencies were available to offer friendly advice and support about a number of subjects that we know often worry, and can be confusing for, parents / carers, children and teenagers. It was super to see so many of our families taking advantage of the opportunity to find out what is available in our community to support. We welcomed representatives from:

The Colne Valley Hub - providing a wide range of support for families in The Colne Valley. Lisa shared information about a variety of subjects including the food share shop, uniform exchange, free activities for families during school holidays, links to support networks for parents of children with SEND and help for low income families.

Family Support Worker Alex Kalinowski -  shared his wealth of
knowledge about support in the Linthwaite community for parents and carers who experience children's challenging behaviour at home with infants, children and teens.

Kirklees Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities - 
A supportive, friendly network of parents and carers who support each other to navigate the ups and downs of being parents/carers. These like-minded people know exactly what you are going through and offered practical parenting courses, tips and advice.


It was lovely to see so many of our families at the fair and we hope to repeat the event in the future.


Please feel free to ask for paper copies of any information that you find on this
website from the school office.