Linthwaite Ardron CE (VA) Junior and Infant School

Our vision: Through Christian values we support, help, inspire, nurture and encourage all individuals to SHINE and flourish

Church Ln, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5TA

01484 845544


We believe that pupils should be encouraged to be active so that they can live life to the full and utilise the gift of life that God gave us. 



The intent of our PE curriculum is to develop a life long love of being active by: 
• developing skill and competence in a broad range of physical activities
• develop a level of fitness by being physically active for sustained periods of time
• engaging in competitive sports and activities
• leading  healthy, active lives


The curriculum at Linthwaite Ardron CE (VA) delivers opportunities for pupils to enjoy being active whilst participating in a number of disciplines. The focus for PE lessons is on pupils increasing in skill so that they can engage in physical active out of school, including out of school community clubs.


The children complete each key stage with a high proficiency in each aspect of PE. Children are aware of the link between physical activity and good mental health and understand it’s significance as part of a healthy lifestyle. The school achieves well in a number of sporting activities and achieved an active school award at bronze level in 2018-19 (award not available in 2019/20) in recognition of its PE provision and children’s access to competitive sports, which the school has maintained. 



Please click on the links below for further information and documentation.  

Physical Education Curriculum

Physical Education Skills Progression

Sport Premium Funding


High Quality PE in our school

Year 5 Dance

Check out Year 5s amazing Spaceman Dance which we collaborated on in PE and then performed in our class space assembly:

Year 5 and 6 Girls Football

Our girls football squad took two teams to play friendlies at Oak Primary. They scored lots of goals, had lots of fun and made some new friends!

KS1 and 2 Cross Country Event

Lots of children from Ardron came along to the Cross Country Trials at Colne Valley High School this term. Everyone got a bit muddy but had lots of fun taking part in the event.

Year 5 and 6 Try Golf Tournament

A team of Year 6s volunteered to take part in a Try Golf Event at Salendine Nook High School this term. They learnt new skills and techniques and did us proud. Well done team!

Year 4 Assessment

Our Year 6 pupils helped their friends in Year 4 complete their PE assessment this term in a session run by Mrs Bolton from the High School. These assessments will help the staff plan lesson for the rest of the year.

Year 5 and 6 Boys Football

Our boys football team reached the final of the Colne Valley Pyramid tournament at CVHS this term. Competition for places was fierce within the school and the boys did us proud.

Year 3 Hockey

Our Year 3 children have been practicing their skills in Hockey this term. Check out some pictures below.

Year 3 and 4 Boys Football

Our boys football team enjoyed competing in the Colne Valley Pyramid tournament at CVHS this term.

KS1 and 2 Sports Day

Our sports day this year took places at Broadoak Cricket Club. The children competed in a variety of events and a great time was had by all!

Year 2 Mini Olympics-

Our Year 2s had a great time competing in the mini olympics at Colne Valley High School.

Year 6 Girls Cricket

Our Year 6 girls did us proud competing in the Colne Valley Pyramid Girls Football Tournament at Broad Oak Cricket Club.

Dancing  - Summer Term

Children from Y2 to Y6 took part in a number of dance festivals and performed to (sometimes) very large audiences showing confidence and resilience!

KS1 and 2 Boccia Tournament

Pupils from both key stages took part in the Boccia Tournament at CVHS this term. They ended up finishing in the Bronze Medal Position - well done guys! 

Year 4 and Year 5 took part in the Bikeability program -

10 pupils passed level one and 35 pupils passed level two. What a brilliant achievement!

Year 2 Football

Our Year 2s had a great time competing in the Football Tournament at Colne Valley High School.

Year 3 Mini Olympics-

Our Year 3s had a enjoyed competing in the Colve Valley Pyramid Mini Olympics.

Year 1 and Reception class have been undertaking Balanceability training - Spring Term

Y6 Rounders Competition at Colne Valley High school - Spring Term

Our amazing class team came 2nd in the pyramid competition. Well done to them! 

Dance takes many varied styles and themes at Linthwaite Ardron. We try to perform to an audience whenever we can. 

Year 3 Rugby with Huddersfield Giants

Year 5 and 6 Mixed Football

Our mixed football team took part in the Colne Valley Pyramid tournament at CVHS this term. The children played lots of games and scored lots of goals. Well done guys!