Linthwaite Ardron CE (VA) Junior and Infant School

Our vision: Through Christian values we support, help, inspire, nurture and encourage all individuals to SHINE and flourish

Church Ln, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5TA

01484 845544


Please look below for a range of materials and resources that shape pupils learning in religious education. If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact our RE lead, Mrs Emma Raimes, through the school office.  


At Linthwaite Ardron, Religious Education (RE) is an essential part of our rich and broad curriculum. We intend for  RE to equip our pupils for life, by helping them to engage in balanced and informed conversations about religion and belief, which touch areas of everyday life on a personal, local and global level.


 As a Voluntary Aided School, we use the Dioceses of Leeds and York Agreed Syllabus, which has been developed with national leaders in RE, based on current approaches and philosophy of best practice in education. It is designed to meet the expectations set out in the ‘Religious Education in Church of England Schools: A Statement of Entitlement’ (2016). This syllabus promotes broad and rich learning in RE through three core elements: making sense of belief; understanding the impact of and making connections. 


 Our curriculum enables all of the children to have confidence in who they are, in their personal beliefs and allows them to engage in meaningful,  informed dialogue with those of different beliefs.  


Please click on the links below for further information and documentation.  

Link to where latest SIAMS Inspection report can be found

Understanding Christianity

R.E. Curriculum Map

R.E. Skills Progression 

Understanding Christianity Skills Progression 

Statement of Entitlement


Gurdwara Visit - Y4

Year 4 pupils visited the Gurdwara. They sampled food and listened to information shared by worshippers at the Gurdwara.

Year 4 artwork to reflect what they have learned about the Trinity

Year 5 artwork to reflect what that they have learned about God from Bible passages

Whole school learning about our vision and values

Gaining knowledge  about God's gift of water on our pilgrimage 2020

Prayers for Mothering Sunday

 Year 5 wrote prayers for Mothering Sunday, to be read out by pupils at Christ Church, Linthwaite, as part of their Mothering Sunday church service. We then sent them home for the important ladies in our life. Here are a couple for you to enjoy.

Year 5 Spirited Arts

Do animals have souls? Are animals part of God's divine plan? Do animals belong to God?

Year 5 shared writing and performance of Christingle Prayer 


Year 4 Kenning Poetry about the Trinity

Year 4 thinking about the symbolism of water during their Nature Smart Education Day - September 2022

'Hand to Mouth' Spiritual Day 2022

Years 4, 5 and 6 had a whole day working with the 'Hand to Mouth' team, starting with a lively collective worship with puppets then undertaking workshops and thinking about how God cares for us in the world today and supports us through difficult times. 


Whole School Pilgrimage 2021 to learn about helpers in the past through the story of Samuel and The Israelites

The importance of sharing with others through a Harvest Festival collection

Year 3 'WOW Factors in Nature'

September 2023

The children were asked to find WOW factors in nature during their recent Outdoor Learning Day. This was part of their learning about 'What do Christians learn from the creation story?' in RE.

Year 4's interview with Reverend Tim about Incarnation and the Holy Spirit

Year 4 artwork to reflect what that they have learned about the Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist

Year 3 selecting 'WOW factors' from nature in our local area, linked to our learning about the Creation story

KS1 and EYFS learning about living things
