Linthwaite Ardron CE (VA) Junior and Infant School

Our vision: Through Christian values we support, help, inspire, nurture and encourage all individuals to SHINE and flourish

Church Ln, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5TA

01484 845544


Please look below for information about how we offer children broad and enriching experiences that engage them in learning about the world, their heritage, significant periods of time and significant events. If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact the school office.  


At Linthwaite Ardron, we deliver a high quality humanities curriculum which aims to  inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about our locality,  the world and its people.  


We deliver a curriculum that is progressive from a pupil starting school in Early Years to leaving at the end of year six. Humanities is taught in half termly blocks that alternate between  geography and history. Our curriculum is delivered through practical activities, wherever possible, to give pupils with all learning styles to love their learning and flourish.  


Pupils will be equipped with knowledge and skills to prepare them for their next steps of leaning and life as an adult in the wider world. Children will also have an interest in their locality and know how significant events and periods of time have shaped the world they live in today. 


Please click on the links below for further information and documentation.  

History Curriculum Map

History Skills Progression 

Geography Curriculum Map 

Geography Skills Progression


Year 6 World War 2 WOW Day 

To start our WW2 topic, we had an immersive day of  fun activities which everyone enjoyed including: air raids, first aid, rationing, baking war time biscuits, making Anderson shelters, propaganda posters and much more. We started the day with a class Remembrance assembly.

Veterans Visit Y6 Pupils!

November 2023

Members of Huddersfield and District Army Veterans group spent a day in Year Six to help them learn about life during WW2. They brought a number of artefacts and activities with them to share with the children, including army rations, games and other artefacts.

Bradford Industrial Museum Visit

Autumn 2023

Years 5 and 6 visited Bradford Industrial Museum as part of their 'Industrial Revolution' and 'Monarchs Since 1066' topic work. They saw demonstrations of looms and printing presses, vintage steam engines and buses and leant about what life was like for factory workers in the past.  


December 2023

Year 3 - Stone Age Comic Strips

Year 3 wrote Stone Age comic strips based on 'UG - Boy Genius of the Stone Age'.

Egyptian history 

Year Three's workshops and visit to Bagshaw Museum

York - Jorvik Viking Centre and the National Railway Museum - Years Five and Six have been studying the Vikings and the Industrial Revolution


Year Five learning about the geological features of mountains and linked it to their art project

KS2 finding out about Linthwaite hero, Florence Lockwood, a suffragette leader and women's rights campaigner 

Year 4 Class Assembly

'Remember my name I'm an ANGLO-SAXON!' - March 2024

The children in Year 4 did a fantastic class assembly packed full of songs, drama and dancing! The assembly started off with the 'Anglo-Saxon song' and finished with a collection of lovely pictures, showcasing what Year 4 have been up to this year. The children also wrote and performed a class rap including lines about each individual in our lovely Year 4 class! Well done, Year 4!

 Year 5 Oakwell Hall Museum Tudor Day

March 2024

Dressed as Tudors, Year Five spent a full day at Tudor Oakwell Hall engaged in Tudor activities including using quills, handling artefacts and learning the history of the house (and its ghosts!)

 Year 5 Monarchs Since 1066 Assembly 

February 2024

Year 5 performed songs, dances, poems, read out biographies, their own Magna Cartas and debates on whether or not to execute Charles the 1st as they entertained family and friends with a performance about English monarchs over the last 1000 years.

Year 3 Bagshaw Museum Trip

March 2024

Year 3 took part in a fully immersive Ancient Egyptian themed day. They participated in activities such as: handling Egyptian artefacts, designing a cartouche, exploring the Kingdom of Osiris gallery and mummifying an (almost) real body!

November 2023

Evacuees' Letters Home - 1940

World War Two is a history topic undertaken in Autumn of Year 6. Read some of these touching and historical letters written after their history lessons and after reading the Michael Morpurgo book, 'Friend or Foe' and undertaking role play, imagining they were evacuees being sent to Devon to escape the Blitz in London

Autumn 2023 - 'Baghdad'

Year 5 spent their half term learning about the history, geography, art and religion of Baghdad and its 'Golden Age' a thousand years ago.


 Linthwaite 'Leadboilers' Whole-school Writing

 Our local area of Linthwaite celebrates the historical story of the 'Leadboilers' with an annual festival close to school. Know who, or what, the Leadboilers were? No? Well, have a look through some of the writing produced across school, which will let you know a bit more about this fascinating local legend.

Upper Key Stage Two produced travel brochures about Linthwaite

The importance of sharing with others through a Harvest Festival collection

Year 3 Outdoor Learning Day

Our outdoor learning day was linked to this terms Geography subject 'Extreme Earth'. In the morning, the children learnt all about how a volcano is made and all the different elements to it. In the afternoon we created an exciting experiment. We mixed; water, vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and food colouring to create a volcanic EXPLOSION!

Year 3 Learning about 'The UK'

October 2023

Year 3 have been using maps and atlases to locate the UK's countries and cities, rivers and seas, counties surrounding West Yorkshire and hills and mountains.

KS2 pupils find out about local hero Gerald Ardron

Pupils were shown places that were significant to Gerald Ardron as they thought about his exciting life. Gerald Ardron was a Linthwaite man, who made his fortune in America. In later life, he set up a trust fund that was used to build our school, and still supports Christ Church and our school today. When he died his wish was for his body to be brought back to Linthwaite so that he could be amongst ‘his people’

Year Four have been learning about the water cycle in Geography. Here are some of the water cycle posters!

Year Five studied Picasso's painting 'Guernica' about the Spanish Civil War. They discussed their ideas about war and linked it to current wars and conflicts across the world now. They then wrote some dramatic and powerful poetry about war and 'Guernica'

Year Five have learnt about Victorian workhouses. Listen to their letters begging to be rescued. 


October 2023 - Whole School Pilgrimage to learn about helpers in the past through the story of Samuel and The Israelites

October - Year 4 learned about Roman, Anglo Saxon and Viking settlements in the UK. They used atlases and maps to locate them on a map of the UK.

Year Three and Four finding out about George Mallinson,  a Linthwaite Mill owner who championed a better living for his workers between 1850 and 1900 

KS1 and EYFS learning about living things